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Representation of 0x3::validator_set::ValidatorSet.

type ValidatorSet {
totalStake: BigInt
activeValidators: [Validator!]
pendingRemovals: [Int!]
pendingActiveValidatorsSize: Int
stakePoolMappingsSize: Int
inactivePoolsSize: Int
validatorCandidatesSize: Int


ValidatorSet.totalStake ● BigInt scalar

Total amount of stake for all active validators at the beginning of the epoch.

ValidatorSet.activeValidators ● [Validator!] list object

The current list of active validators.

ValidatorSet.pendingRemovals ● [Int!] list scalar

Validators that are pending removal from the active validator set, expressed as indices in to activeValidators.

ValidatorSet.pendingActiveValidatorsSize ● Int scalar

ValidatorSet.stakePoolMappingsSize ● Int scalar

ValidatorSet.inactivePoolsSize ● Int scalar

ValidatorSet.validatorCandidatesSize ● Int scalar

Member Of

Epoch object